The Dwellingup Discovery Forest, Save our Jarrah and WA Forest Alliance groups have commenced a campaign to protect mature jarrah forests near Jarrahdale and Dwellingup areas from further extensive clearing proposed as part of the ongoing expansions of bauxite strip-mining within Alcoa’s 7000 sq km lease in the Darling Range. They plan to present a petition at Parliament House on 10 November. The current proposed expansions will affect the Balmoral Walk Trail, a section of the Bibbulmun Track and the Munda Biddi MBT, plus a number of customary off-track bushwalking areas. For more info. see their advert in 31 October 2020 issue of The Post newspaper (page 9), or see their websites to sign the petition.
For additional information on the broader impacts of the mining on the future of bushwalking throughout the state forest of the Perth region, see HikeWest’s Bauxite Mining page.
(Posted 30 Oct. 2020.)
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